Sanaya Sharma

November 28, 2022
The Role Of Banking Framework To Strengthen The Banking Renewable Energy

The Role Of Banking Framework To Strengthen The Banking Renewable Energy

Confronted with the deteriorating climate change that results from the use of fossil fuels, there has been a transition towards renewable energy like solar power ability, which […]
November 28, 2022
The Positive Outcome Of The Solar Energy Sector After Recent Viability Crisis In India

The Positive Outcome Of The Solar Energy Sector After Recent Viability Crisis In India

India is facing a crisis due to the high electric bills and global warming. As India is a developing nation that is why it must think […]
November 28, 2022
How Module PLI2 Will Benefit The Manufacturers In India

How Module PLI2 Will Benefit The Manufacturers In India

There is nothing to deny the fact that solar power panels are essential in the generation of the grid. It has several utilities and serves in […]
November 28, 2022
How CSR Initiatives Have Prospered The Growth Of Solar Energy In India

How CSR Initiatives Have Prospered The Growth Of Solar Energy In India

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR has a plan for the introduction of solar energy in India. The CSR programs have enabled some of the government schools […]
November 28, 2022
How To Manage EPR Effectively For Solar PV Waste

How To Manage EPR Effectively For Solar PV Waste

Solar energy or solar power is the renewable source in the world. Solar power ability has the technology for converting the heat and light of the […]
November 28, 2022
In layman’s terms, renewable energy is targeted as electricity generated by fuel sources. These are designed to restore themselves over a shorter period and won’t diminish. The solar power ability is hard to ignore as it forms a crucial part of renewable energy. The Indian government is working hard to come across some policies to help renewable energy hike up to the next level of popularity. The government is now encouraging people to invest in solar power units and use the results to help light up the environment. Different policies are playing towards the solar power advantages and helping India to be a major hub of solar panel energy and some other renewable sources. Understanding more about the policies will help you to take a further step forward. Identifying the renewable technologies: While most of the states identify renewable technologies quite differently for their purpose of matching state goals and targets, most of them will include biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, and biogas. Then you have the lower impact hydroelectricity to follow. Before you learn more about solar power, let’s focus on the options for using renewable energy. • Generating renewable energy on the site: Now get the chance to generate renewable energy using a device at a location where the power is used. • Procuring renewable energy: Get the chance to procure solar power benefits and other renewable energy through some “renewable energy certificates.” Also known as tradable renewable certificates or green tags, these documents represent the environmental attributes and technology behind electricity, as generated from multiple renewable resources. • Using electric utility facility: Before you jump straight into the benefits of solar power, remember that you can purchase renewable energy from the electric utility through green pricing or marketing program. Here, the buyers need to pay a smaller premium for electricity generated locally from renewable sources only. The major Indian government policies on renewable energy: Let’s delve right into the major government policies revolving around renewable energy in India, making it a lucrative business prospect, • Electricity Act 2003: This act offers a framework for overall electricity sector growth in India. It provides major provisions for preferential tariffs for procuring renewable energy. • National Electricity Policy, 2005: This policy deals with preferential tariffs for power, as produced from renewable energy sources. The main goal is to offer electricity access to all. • Tariff Policy 2006: It is one significant mechanism of the RPO for fixing the minimum percentage of purchase of energy consumption by the states under renewable energy sources. • Integrated Energy policy 2006: This is one significant integrated policy dealing with a focus on renewable energy development and will set specified targets for the current capacity additions. Some of the other policies: Apart from the ones mentioned already, some other renewable energy-centric government policies in India are National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), 2008, Generation Based Incentives (GBIs) for Solar, Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), 2010, and more. Willing to learn more about these policies before entering the renewable energy market? If so, then Alfainfraprop is your answer. Ringing them up at +91-22-42429999 or emailing will surely help!

Promising Government Policies To Help Renewable Energy Sector To Growth

In layman’s terms, renewable energy is targeted as electricity generated by fuel sources. These are designed to restore themselves over a shorter period and won’t diminish. […]
November 28, 2022
Why Consumers Are Now Investing In Solar Power In India And Turning Into Prosumers

Why Consumers Are Now Investing In Solar Power In India And Turning Into Prosumers

Have you ever thought of investing some money in Solar Power in India? Solar power ability is now changing the market and helping people to shift from being […]
October 23, 2022
Rooftop Solar Panels – The Benefits That Help In Their Growing Demand In India

Rooftop Solar Panels – The Benefits That Help In Their Growing Demand In India

In current times, the world is mainly adopting renewable power at a much faster speed. India is currently on an emerging scale in the global arena […]
October 23, 2022
Indian Solar Power Sector – The Emerging Trends

Indian Solar Power Sector – The Emerging Trends

At present, the Indian solar power sector is going through a technology-based transformation. It is moving from manufacturing to installation to help improve cost efficiency and […]
October 23, 2022
The Present Standing Of The Green Power Market

The Present Standing Of The Green Power Market

In the year 2019, the green power market size was valued at around $41.4 billion. It is anticipated to generate revenue of around $103.5 billion by […]
October 23, 2022
How Renewable Energy Trends Are Shaping The Future

How Renewable Energy Trends Are Shaping The Future

Most of you have this basic question in mind – is renewable energy going to shape the future? Currently generating electricity by using renewable power is […]
October 23, 2022
The Latest Renewable Energy Trends To Be Followed In 2022

The Latest Renewable Energy Trends To Be Followed In 2022

With the growing need for clean energy, there are new developments taking place in the renewable sector. Industries are currently moving forward to this form of […]
October 23, 2022
Power A Safer Future with Renewable Energy

Power A Safer Future with Renewable Energy

Energy has been the heart of climate change and the key to its solution. A major portion of greenhouse gases surrounds the Earth and further trap […]
October 23, 2022
Renewable Solar Energy – Converting Rays into Unending Power

Renewable Solar Energy – Converting Rays into Unending Power

The sun has been producing energy from the time Earth was established and even before that! It is considered to be the ultimate source of all […]
October 23, 2022
Renewable Energy Is Ready To Benefit The Economy Of The Nation

Renewable Energy Is Ready To Benefit The Economy Of The Nation

Generating electricity is one of the major causes of industrial air pollution all across the nation. Most of the electricity comes from nuclear, coal, and some […]
October 23, 2022
Clean Energy - The Need Of The Hour

Clean Energy – The Need Of The Hour

To reduce the growing impact on the environment, clean energy is the only answer available. Electricity production is the number one cause of greenhouse gas. With […]
October 23, 2022
Local Renewable Energy Benefits – Reducing Carbon Footprints

Local Renewable Energy Benefits – Reducing Carbon Footprints

At present, local governments are trying multiple ways to reduce the carbon footprints by directly generating or purchasing electricity from renewable and clean sources. Among all […]
October 5, 2022
Solar energy power plants in India bring global benefits.

Solar energy power plants in India bring global benefits

India is home to some of the world’s largest solar energy power plants in India, with plans to install more than 1,000 MW of power from […]