March 21, 2021
India’s Energy Requirements in the future

Renewable sources of energy and traditional energy

Out of the most populous countries as of January 2019 India’s ranked the second highest ofall the countries. India has 1.368 billion citizens which is way […]
March 21, 2021
Renewable sources of energy and traditional energy

What is the difference between renewable sources of energy and traditional energy sources?

Difference between renewable energy sources and traditional energy sources: We all knowthat power is usually generated with sources of energy that are not renewable in nature. […]
March 21, 2021
Environmental Effects of Fast Fashion

What are the Environmental Effects of Fast Fashion?

Did you know? Big clothing retailers like Zara, Forever 21 and H&M arethe reason why fast fashion is growing by the day. They produce cheapand fashionable […]
March 21, 2021
Wnvironmental Challanges

Which are the films made around Environmental challenges?

A lot of films are being made around the concept of Environment today, the various challenges and the entire idea of basically fighting the nature’s hit. […]
February 27, 2021
most polluting industry in the world

Which is the most polluting industry in the world?

The environment today is in bad shape. The ecosystem is shaken, biodiversity exhausted,pollution levels rising, climate change adversely affecting, waste management gettingtougher. It’s alarming how the […]
February 27, 2021
climate change

What is climate change ,main cause of climate change and What are the few indicators of climate change?

Many of us don’t realise but climate change is the real thing it is affecting us increasinglyevery day and might start harming us if we don’t […]
February 27, 2021
Green initiatives by children.

Green initiatives by children.

We all know how the environment is losing its ability to sustain the coming generations in ahealthy manner. Along with the government, industries and in fact […]
February 27, 2021
sustainable development

What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is the very basis of economic development while Simultaneouslysustaining the ability of natural systems to maintain natural resources and sustain theecosystem on which the […]
February 27, 2021
Thermal Power Plant

What are Thermal Power Plants? Do you know the Biggest Thermal Power Plant in India and Main parts of Thermal Power Plants?

Let’s first discuss what is the common power plant. Power plant where heat energy isconverted into electric power is called a thermal power station. as we […]
February 27, 2021
COVID-19 and The Environment

Advantages and Disadvantages of COVID -19 on The Environment.

COVID-19 virus or coronavirus which took a toll on human lives, the economy, health andlifestyle of us all was not a fly by but a thing […]
February 27, 2021
Environmental health

Challenges of Environmental health in today’s time

The interaction of humans and environment is a constant in life. There are various ways inwhich the environment affects human life, some of them can be […]
February 27, 2021
Renewable Energy Sources

What are the different types of Renewable Energy Sources and Which Renewable Energy Source is the most Commercial?

A source of energy which is immense and can’t be exhausted can be quoted as a renewablesource of energy for example Sun, Ocean or Wind. These […]
February 27, 2021
environment greener and cleaner

Initiatives taken by the top companies to make the environment greener and cleaner

In this blog we are going to list down a few business giants which have taken considerablyhuge green initiatives to restore nature’s health. Ford Motor CompanyFord […]
February 27, 2021
Government of India initiatives to improvise on the environmental health of Planet Earth

Government of India initiatives to improvise on the environmental health of Planet Earth

As we all know the environment is not in the best condition presently. It has beenconsistently being misused and put at risk by us humans in […]
January 5, 2021
Environmental Issues and introducing

Education system giving importance to Environmental Issues and introducing Renewable energy

The education system today is giving utmost importance to environmental issues. They are alsointroducing renewable energy to each batch and emphasizing it’s usages andadvantages. There is […]
January 5, 2021
How big companies are moving to renewable energy at their offices

How big companies are moving to renewable energy at their offices

Renewable energy is a source of energy that is gaining a lot of popularity among businessesnow. The awareness of how the environment has been polluted at […]
January 5, 2021
The hospitality industry and the environment

The hospitality industry and the environment

We all know how the hospitality industry took a hit in 2020. The hospitality industry was thefirst amongst the many industries to be shut and put […]
January 5, 2021
Solar energy uses and facts

Solar energy uses and facts

Solar energy is the energy that is generated by the radiance and heat from the sun. Sunenergy can be used in different manners to benefit from […]