The education system today is giving utmost importance to environmental issues. They are also
introducing renewable energy to each batch and emphasizing it’s usages and
advantages. There is a separate subject which is environmental studies. It incorporates the
challenges, types of solutions, and processes of various techniques that can help in making
their environment green. It has become mandatory for all schools to adopt this subject and
allocate at least three hours off the subject in a week’s time.
A major chunk of the syllabus in the subject of environmental studies includes renewable
energy. Renewable energy is the energy that is derived out of resources that are natural in
nature which means they are available in abundance. Since they are indefinite the fear of
exhausting these resources is minimized.
For example, if electricity is derived from the ocean or wind we can be sure of not exhausting the resource. Children are made aware of various resources, various kinds of renewable energies, how they are converted, and their uses and effects. There are a lot of advantages and
disadvantages of renewable energy which are introduced to all the children at various
understanding levels.
Since we are facing environmental issues at alarming rates now it’s really important that we
educate our youth so that they are conscious and are able to make wise decisions.
Environment and its challenges are a vast subject. It’s a lifelong process to understand
the elements and principles of the environment in depth. It’s impossible to cover it up in a book and
hence there is a change in pattern that schools and education systems are now adopting in
order to make children understand and analyze nature.
There are various types of environmental studies some of them being ecology, chemistry,
geology, oceanography, aquatic science, etc.
The goal of environmental studies is to provide every individual studying the subject the skill,
Values and commitment to Co-exist with the environment and protect it. Environmental
studies direct and focuses their efforts on conserving the ecosystem and biodiversity.
There are five main objectives of environmental studies:
● The first being awareness. It aims at increasing awareness among people about how
the environment is important and how it’s being deteriorated over a period of time.
Its challenges and the ways to overcome them.
● The second being knowledge it’s important that we as a population of two crores and
plus have basic knowledge about the environment and its challenges so that we can
be wise in making our future decisions.
● Third and very importantly the attitude environmental studies is made mandatory to
develop and cultivate the right attitude towards nature.
● Fourthly it develops the skills of environmental activists. It is so that we can use
our knowledge and apply skills in directions towards making the environment
● Lastly, environmental studies objectives are to encourage participation. Participation
among us as responsible citizens. Let’s together make a conscious choice of taking
thoughtful decisions and implementing rules that help the environment be.