We all know that the environment that was present a few decades back is no longer the
reality of today. Today the environment is suffering from various challenges. Challenges
which seem to have no end to it. One of the major challenges being power generation.
Power generation requires sources of energy to be optimised. There are two sources of
energy that can be used to generate power renewable and nonrenewable.
The basic difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy sources is that
renewable energy sources are indefinite in nature whereas non-renewable energy sources
or energy sources that can be exhausted, will run out in future times. Renewable
technologies are technologies that are used while producing renewable energy which is
nothing but energy created by sources like water sunlight soil or any resource which is
available in abundance. Renewable technologies come under the category of clean sources
of energy. These resources when used optimally minimise harmful environmental effects
She’s also produce very minimum secondary waste when compared to production of energy
via nonrenewable sources. Renewable technologies are the new way for sustaining the
environment for current and future economic and social needs.
Renewable energy technologies provide an excellent opportunity for mitigation of
greenhouse gas emission. They also help in reducing global warming through substituting
conventional energy sources.
Nonrenewable energy can be saved if you make use of renewable energy in place of
nonrenewable energy. Additionally, non-renewable energy requires a lot of maintenance as compared to renewable energy sources and lower maintenance requirements make it an even more preferable source of energy. Next up we have health considerations to keep in mind. Renewable sources of energy emit less harmful gases and hence lead to lesser pollution which makes it a better choice when health of the planet as well as humans are considered. With all of that we can say that it saves the Environment from exhausting itself.
Above listed are a few advantages of renewable energy. Renewable energy is the new safe escape route to provide enough energy resources to our future generations and save up on current non-renewable energy sources. In any discussion about climate change, renewable
energy usually tops the list of changes the world can implement to save us and the planet from the worst effects of rising temperatures. The main reason for renewable energy being
considered as the best to save the environment is because Renewable energy sources such
as solar and wind don’t emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to
global warming.
We can conclude by saying that to save non-renewable energies from exhausting and going
extinct, the switch to Renewable Sources of Energy becomes very important and urgent.