For the whole to work together and achieve accelerated global prosperity, the United Nations developed certain goals after consolidating with the world leaders. Finally, in 2015, the United Nations General Assembly created the 17 Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs), embraced by all partner nations, to be accomplished by 2030.
These goals replaced the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were successfully accomplished by the year 2015. As opposed to its archetypes, the SDGs set up norms not just for rising and non-industrial nations, but also for teh developed and industrialized nations.
The SDGs are as follows:
1. No poverty: Equitable distribution of resources, especially in the developed nations.
2. Zero hunger: Food to be treated as a basic human right for all strata of society.
3. Good health and well-being: More awareness and prevention-oriented approach for all ailments.
4. Quality education: Strip pre-requisites like money that prevents primary education and democratization of higher education.
5. Gender equality: Helping governments take actions of reducing disparity based on gender only stops countries from exploring their full potential.
6. Clean water and sanitation: Basic human right that must be provided at all costs.
7. Affordable and clean energy: For the better future of the coming generations.
8. Decent work and economic growth: Every individual has a right to earn and contribute according to the capability of their choice.
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure: Main employers and backbone of development focused on eco-friendly approaches.
10.Reduced inequalities: To avoid unrest and ensure public productivity.
11.Sustainable cities and communities: For better time management and efficiency.
12.Sustainable consumption and production: To avoid wastage of precious resources.
13.Climate action: For the long-term preservation of our planet
14.Life below water: To maintain the momentum of marine wildlife conservation
15.Life on land: To prevent deforestation, habitat destruction and protect endangered species
16.Peace, justice and strong institutions: To ensure that wrong-doings are corrected in time.
17.Partnerships for the goals: To help one-another resource-wise to tackle global issues quickly.