As we know Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. Earth Day is an international event
celebrated around the world to pledge support for environmental protection. The year 2021
marks the 51st anniversary of the annual celebrations. This year’s theme for Earth Day is
‘restore our eath’.
Let us discuss the main reason behind celebrating Earth Day. Earth Day is observed on April
22 every year to raise awareness for Earth’s environment and its challenges. Founded by
Senator Gaylord Nelson, earth day, was first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and raise
awareness of the growing problems of air, water, and soil pollution. The United Nations calls
it by “International Mother Earth Day”.
Every year earth day is celebrated with a unique agenda. Celebration is organised around that agenda or theme. Earth Day the organisation also works on the specific agenda with which birthday is celebrated for that entire year. This year also Earth Day will be observed on April 22. The theme of Earth Day 2021 is “Restore Our Earth”. Last year in 2020 the theme for Earth Day was climate change. The day inspires to act towards the protection of the environment and focus on the need for conservation.
Various issues like loss of biodiversity, increasing pollution, contaminated water and pollutedair or climate change for that matter are all various environmental issues which are
highlighted every year when earth day is celebrated and a theme is decided on. We all know
that the health of our biodiversity today is different from what it was a few years ago. The
quality is dipping by the day. And Changes in biodiversity affect ecosystem functioning and
cause significant disruptions in ecosystems.
It’s high time we as a community start realising how we are disrupting our ecosystem and
harming our own self in turn. Our world needs transformational change. Earth Day is the day
which calls for bold, creative and innovative solutions to deal with the challenges our
environment is facing. Environmental challenges are not of an individual or a community or a
country alone, it is off every single living being responsibility. This will require action at all
levels, from business and investment to city and national government.
actions at all levels also means the choices that you as an individual make. That’s where
You come in: As an individual, you yield real power and influence as a consumer, a voter,
and a member of a community that can unite for change.
Let’s make 2021 a year of energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to create a new plan of
action for our planet. Earth Day 2021 can be the catalyst that galvanizes an unparalleled
global collaboration.