
April 24, 2021
environmental polluting companies

What is BFFP? Which are the most polluting companies as per BFFP?

Humankind is facing environmental degradation which is a common concern for all over thepast few decades. Surprisingly environmental degradation is caused more due to humaninterference and […]
April 24, 2021
solar Education industry

Education industry and renewable energy sector

A lot of universities are now wanting to install solar panels and save up on their power bills.Universities run five days a week and run partially […]
April 24, 2021
artificial intelligence in the renewable energy

What is the role of artificial intelligence in the renewable energy sector?

With time changing and the environmental Health dipping each passing quarter the need toswitch to renewable sources of energy is increasing surprisingly at an exponential rate. […]
April 24, 2021
Environmental health situation

What is the Environmental health situation these days?

2021 has been a year of surprise for all up till now. It’s been four months into the year andwe have already seen so much change […]
April 24, 2021
Environmental education for toddlers

What are the benefits of environmental education for toddlers?

Research shows that children below the age of five learn at the fastest pace and practicewhat they are being taught consciously and subconsciously. They pick up […]
April 24, 2021
What is Earth Day

Why is Earth Day celebrated?

As we know Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. Earth Day is an international eventcelebrated around the world to pledge support for environmental protection. The […]
March 21, 2021
largest Wind, Solar and Hydro Power Plant

Which is the largest Wind, Solar and Hydro Power Plant?

Wind Resource: When we talk about Wind Power Plants, we know that Wind energy is generated throughwind turbines placed close to each other in a wind […]
March 21, 2021
world's energy is renewable 2020

How much of the world’s energy is renewable 2020?

World’s Renewable energy in 2020: In quarter one 2019 The share of renewables in global electricity generation was stated to be26%, it rose to 28% in […]
March 21, 2021
What is Wind Energy

What is Wind Energy? Why is wind energy gaining popularity in recent times?

Energy is that kind of renewable energy. When energy is now being considered as one ofthe best sources of alternative energy. Wind in general refers to […]