
February 25, 2020
Wind Energy

10 Answers to your Questions about Wind Energy

The concept of using wind energy for generating electricity is capturing the global imagination! After all, the wind is everywhere and does not appear as if […]
February 25, 2020
Invest in Wind Power

12 Reasons you should Invest in Wind Power

China leads the world in the production of wind energy via its installed capacity of 221 GW (gigawatt). This accounts for one-third of the world’s capacity. […]
February 24, 2020
Future of Solar

Future of Solar – Will Solar Power Rule the World?

It was just about a decade ago that the world began experimenting with solar power in earnest. A global energy crisis was in the offing. Traditional […]
January 31, 2020

The Difference between Wind, Solar and Other Types of Renewable Energy

‘Go green, go clean’ is the new mantra of the 21st century! Non-renewable fossil fuels are becoming passé as sources of energy! Instead, renewable sources of […]
January 31, 2020

CSR (On Tenders)

Alfa Infraprop Pvt. Ltd. is renowned as a famous developer of renewable energy projects across India. It follows, therefore, that the company is highly conscious of […]
January 31, 2020

Working at Alfa

Renewable energy projects have taken off with a bang in India over the last few years! The Indian Government welcomes entrepreneurs with a vision to Go […]
January 31, 2020

Working at a Renewable Energy Company

Governments across the globe are deeply concerned about the adverse effects of climate change on planet Earth. Therefore, they are keen to develop technologies that will […]
January 31, 2020

What is Renewable Energy?

It has become a common sight to view solar water heaters on people’s terraces. After all, they do not have to pay any fees to the […]
January 31, 2020

Wind Energy – Significant Advantages and Challenges

Clean energy sources are expected to be substantially increased by a growing global population and an increasing demand for electricity resources. Wind power is the primary […]