August 30, 2021
How To Benefit From Clean Energy

How To Benefit From Clean Energy

Most of the electric power in the World is made from polluting, nonrenewable resources like coal or fuel. Making electricity is the main and biggest, industrial […]
August 30, 2021
What are The Renewable Energy Market Trends

What are The Renewable Energy Market Trends and Forecasts from a recruiter’s point of view?

Resilient renewables The last few quarters proved to be a difficult time for many energy companies that have seendemand collapse. Since Renewable Energy companies have delivered […]
August 30, 2021
What is hydropower and how does it work

What is hydropower and how does it work?

Hydropower is a renewable energy source that is becoming of super high importance with theglobal call to action for reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Hydropower […]
August 30, 2021
Why is Energy storage vital for renewable energy’s future

Why is Energy storage vital for renewable energy’s future?

As per energy governance groups, we have come to realize that renewable energy or cleanenergy will account for nearly 45% of the global generation by 2040. […]
August 30, 2021
india's renewable energy

India’s Renewable Energy

India ranks fifth in renewable energy employment formulation. It has 416,000 employees occupied in the area around the year 2015. In the world, about 8.1 million […]
April 24, 2021
Renewable Energy a Realistic Option for Hospitals

Is Renewable Energy a Realistic Option for Hospitals?

A growing number of healthcare centers are shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy asenergy costs still rise and therefore the government tightens the regulations on […]
April 24, 2021
History of the renewable energy sector in India

What is the History of the renewable energy sector in India? What is the impact of Renewable energy on Indian economy?

India is one in all the countries with massive production of energy from renewable sources.As of the month of November 2020, thirty eighth of India’s put […]
April 24, 2021
100% Renewable energy power the world

Can 100% Renewable energy power the world?

According to a replacement report by LUT University in Finland and Energy Watch Group, aGerman nonprofit, the solution is yes. The nearly five-year-long study simulated a […]
April 24, 2021
future of Renewable energy in India

What is the future of Renewable energy in India?

India’s renewable energy sector could create new job opportunities between 2 million and4.5 million over the next 25 years. According to a new detailed study of […]
April 24, 2021
Indian government to advance

What are the initiatives of the Indian government to advance towards a greener environment by investing in the renewable energy sector?

It is a well known incontrovertible fact that India has the second largest population within theworld and is additionally the fastest growing population within the world. […]
April 24, 2021
saviour of environmental health today

How can environmental health be enhanced using renewable sources of energy?

We all know that the environment that was present a few decades back is no longer thereality of today. Today the environment is suffering from various […]
April 24, 2021
environmental polluting companies

What is BFFP? Which are the most polluting companies as per BFFP?

Humankind is facing environmental degradation which is a common concern for all over thepast few decades. Surprisingly environmental degradation is caused more due to humaninterference and […]
April 24, 2021
solar Education industry

Education industry and renewable energy sector

A lot of universities are now wanting to install solar panels and save up on their power bills.Universities run five days a week and run partially […]
April 24, 2021
artificial intelligence in the renewable energy

What is the role of artificial intelligence in the renewable energy sector?

With time changing and the environmental Health dipping each passing quarter the need toswitch to renewable sources of energy is increasing surprisingly at an exponential rate. […]
April 24, 2021
Environmental health situation

What is the Environmental health situation these days?

2021 has been a year of surprise for all up till now. It’s been four months into the year andwe have already seen so much change […]
April 24, 2021
Environmental education for toddlers

What are the benefits of environmental education for toddlers?

Research shows that children below the age of five learn at the fastest pace and practicewhat they are being taught consciously and subconsciously. They pick up […]
April 24, 2021
What is Earth Day

Why is Earth Day celebrated?

As we know Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. Earth Day is an international eventcelebrated around the world to pledge support for environmental protection. The […]
November 2, 2020
How does Social Media influence the onset of sustainable consumerism

How does Social Media influence the onset of sustainable consumerism?

Environmental deterioration is large news recently. There’s no lack of news stories and narratives that show us the harming impacts our expendable culture is having on […]