
February 27, 2021
environment greener and cleaner

Initiatives taken by the top companies to make the environment greener and cleaner

In this blog we are going to list down a few business giants which have taken considerablyhuge green initiatives to restore nature’s health. Ford Motor CompanyFord […]
February 27, 2021
Government of India initiatives to improvise on the environmental health of Planet Earth

Government of India initiatives to improvise on the environmental health of Planet Earth

As we all know the environment is not in the best condition presently. It has beenconsistently being misused and put at risk by us humans in […]
January 5, 2021
Environmental Issues and introducing

Education system giving importance to Environmental Issues and introducing Renewable energy

The education system today is giving utmost importance to environmental issues. They are alsointroducing renewable energy to each batch and emphasizing it’s usages andadvantages. There is […]
January 5, 2021
How big companies are moving to renewable energy at their offices

How big companies are moving to renewable energy at their offices

Renewable energy is a source of energy that is gaining a lot of popularity among businessesnow. The awareness of how the environment has been polluted at […]
January 5, 2021
The hospitality industry and the environment

The hospitality industry and the environment

We all know how the hospitality industry took a hit in 2020. The hospitality industry was thefirst amongst the many industries to be shut and put […]
January 5, 2021
Solar energy uses and facts

Solar energy uses and facts

Solar energy is the energy that is generated by the radiance and heat from the sun. Sunenergy can be used in different manners to benefit from […]
January 5, 2021
Government of India on renewable energy

Government of India on renewable energy

In the year 2021-2022 the renewables industry is to contribute 21% of electricity demand inIndia. This news is from NEW DELHI: The power minister of India […]
January 5, 2021
Renewable energy in India

Interesting News related to Renewable energy in India

Renewable energy is nothing but energy that can be created by indefinite natural resourcessuch as wind, ocean, or water. In today’s time, renewable energy should be […]
January 5, 2021
Green Initiatives

2021 Green Initiatives

With the wave of coronavirus hitting planet earth there has been a realization that we haveall undergone. Looking at the earth’s breath we realize how much […]